The main symptoms of prostatitis

Almost every second man over 50 years old is no stranger to know, what is the prostatitis. This disease is an inflammation that occurs in the tissues of the prostate. After this happens a failure in the urinary system. The symptoms of prostatitis in men are quite specific. In order to prevent complications, people aged over 35 years regularly recommend health screenings, which can detect the disease at an initial stage.

prostatitis photo

The causes of the disease

The development of prostatitis is an infection. The inflammation of the prostate can cause staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli and other micro-organisms, which are always present in the human body. However, until the immune system to function without interruption, that they do not represent danger. But as soon as occurs a decrease of the defenses of the organism, their number starts to increase strongly, resulting in the development of inflammation. But it should not expose the panic-everything is fixable.

The main causes of the development of prostatitis in men

Trigger the development of the disease are capable of and other factors:

  1. Urinary infection, including those that are sexually transmitted trichomonas, etc). This is related with the fact that the prostate gland interacts with other organs of the urinary system.
  2. The stasis of blood. In men, the life style that you can call sedentary, in the pelvic region can occur process stagnant, which is the major factor in causing the development of pathogens. Subsequently, they can penetrate into the prostate of men and cause inflammation.
  3. Frequent constipation. The prostate is an outcrop adapted to the intestine. If you experience a process is stagnant water, it is broken vascular permeability and overall blood circulation. In case of constipation, fecal long in the rectum, that is why all the secreted by the toxins and the degradation products are capable of penetrating the blood. Often, this causes an inflammatory process.
  4. The flow of seminal fluid. The lack of sex can lead to a flow of blood in the pelvic region. This leads to the death of the sperm and the chronic inflammatory process.
  5. The presence of the men and women of all chronic diseases, in fact, even the decay is able to cause inflammation of the prostate.

Varieties of prostatitis

The inflammation of the prostate can be divided into 4 categories:

  • Acute.
  • Chronic.
  • Asymptomatic chronic.
  • The chronic prostatitis of bacterial origin.

Acute eyesight is diagnosed fairly rarely related to a bacterial infection, which is always serious. The patient appears acute pain increases the temperature of the body, there is the general weakness of the body. A visual inspection shows the increase in the size of the prostate. This type of the disease requires urgent treatment, because it can cause various complications.

Chronic disease is associated with a constant pain, which was worried about the man for more than 3 consecutive months. The analysis of the urine in this case indicates the presence of pathogens.

Asymptomatic to prostatitis has almost no characteristic signs and symptoms. The detection is obtained in time by an ordinary examination, or a physician about the other disease.

Prostatitis chronic bacterial nature is most often associated with the active development of the bacterium escherichia coli. This can help reduce the defenses of the body, the pelvic surgery, the presence of the source of the infection. This type of disease is characterized by the flow of current, and its symptoms are similar to the manifestation of the acute form of inflammation.

The common symptoms of the disease

The first signs of prostatitis in men may be the following:

  1. Low libido can be called the first symptom indicating the presence of an inflammation of the prostate. Erection in a man, must happen all morning. Prostatitis can manifest what it is going to occur irregularly or does not exist. If this man can be noticed that the penis is not able to become firm enough for sexual intercourse. The seminal fluid is a liquid and muddy.
  2. The urge to urinate during the night. Healthy man is not going to wake up in the night to go to the toilet. The patient may disturb the sensation of incomplete evacuation. It is thus possible to exercise the disease is at an early stage.
  3. The pains are encountered in approximately half of all patients with prostatitis. They have the painful nature and are concentrated in the pelvic region. The pain may occur at the time of urination or ejaculation. The unpleasant sensations that occur in men in this area, are the occasion for a visit to the doctor.

This is just the first symptoms of prostatitis, which are specific to each type of disease.

Other symptoms are:

  • Pain during defecation.
  • A burning sensation in the perineal area and the urethra.
  • Fatigue.
  • Psychological oppression are the attributes and a depressive state.
  • In the urine, you can see the mucous membranes of the thread.

These symptoms are secondary and depend on the type and degree of prostatitis, which can have the variable of the clinic.

The signs of prostatitis acute

Acute inflammation of the prostate shows signs of poisoning:

  1. At a high temperature.
  2. The feeling of the fever.
  3. The headaches and joint pain.
  4. The lack of appetite.
  5. The sleep disorders.
  6. Sweating increased.
  7. Fever.

The development of acute inflammation can cause viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms. These pathogens may be present in the body of each. When the immune system functioning properly, all the pathogens are removed from the immunity. But in cases where this protection is low, the infection begins to develop, which leads to inflammation.

Acute risk of the disease, often, lies in the development of infertility, impotence, and can, with time, turn into a chronic form of prostatitis, may result in inflammation of the testicles, and abscess of the prostate.

Any prostatitis in men may be the cause of the formation of benign tumour (adenoma) and one malignant tumor of the prostate gland (cancer). It is important, therefore, to notice in him, at least one of the symptoms of prostatitis, asking for the assistance of a doctor.

symptoms of adenoma of the prostate.

More info on the acute form of the disease tells the doctor of the highest category, urologist, andrologist Alexis Kornienko:

How to determine the prostatitis, everyone knows that doctor urologist. To do this, it will take a rectal inspection, sends a patient to the ULTRASOUND, a computer, or mri and will take a blood test and urine.

To make the diagnosis, the doctor will be enough rectal inspection. Analyses and other examinations are needed to determine what has led to prostatitis in men. Subsequently, this will help you decide how to treat the inflammation of the prostate of the patient. Every aspect of the disease requires a specific treatment. For example, in the case of process, prohibits certain physio.

The symptoms of prostatitis bacterial

The cause of the development of this type of inflammation of the prostate, are pathogenic bacteria. The symptoms of the disease in this case will be identical to those of the human note in the case of prostatitis acute. This is due to the fact that the sight of inflammation, is often one of the causes of a chronic disease, which have periods of exacerbation.

The treatment in this case must be comprehensive. It will be the appointment of antibacterial drugs and anti-inflammatory, the prostate massage, physiotherapy and the application of the methods of traditional medicine.

Due to the fact that on the bottom of any infection (sore throat, sinusitis, bronchitis, osteomyelitis, etc) may be the development of the inflammatory process of the prostate, the patient after the healing recommend visiting a urologist, and a need to pass an exam, which will give the possibility to identify the disease at an initial stage.

When the prostatitis, which has been caused by bacteria, the main treatment is the appointment of an antibiotic treatment. This treatment gives the ability to get rid of the pathogen, but also to prevent the development of complications. By doing this, the most important is the timely treatment to the doctor, because it is the neglect of their health, is the leading cause of chronic disease.

It is very important to continue the treatment even after the symptoms have disappeared, the inflammation of the prostate. In fact, in 90% of cases of chronic prostatitis, the reason lies in the under-treated disease.

The symptoms of chronic prostatitis

Chronic or as it is called abakterialniy prostatit, is not associated with the bacteria. Its main economic causes of stagnant processes in the basin, and the stasis of the blood, seminal fluid) or a deficiency in the human body zinc. This important for men's health, the item, normalizes production of sex hormones improves the power and function of reproduction, protects the prostate from diseases.

Not to mention that the symptoms of prostatitis, its abacterial forms present a throbbing pain in the lower abdomen, groin or perineum. Often, these sensations apply on the back and the coccyx. The pain can bother the patient for some time.

The therapy assigned by the treating physician, will be the use of anti-inflammatory and hormonal means, alpha-blockers and medicinal plants. In addition named a prostate massage and a variety of physiotherapy treatments.

The symptoms of the asymptomatic prostatitis

In humans the symptoms of prostatitis in this case missing. This is why diagnose usually already at an advanced stage, when the disease has led to an increase in the size of the body and a violation of urination. Identify help to the clinical examination and urine analysis, where the doctor can see a large number of white blood cells and the presence of bacteria. Due to the fact that this type of disease is not manifest, it is very often leads to the appearance of a chronic form of.

Knowing how to manifest prostatitis in the initial stages, man, it is important to pay attention to the night of the urge to urinate, and the infringement of the dawn of the erection.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

In this case, the treatment regimen will depend largely on the stage of the disease. In the case of an aggravation, this treatment is similar to that which is prescribed in case of prostatitis bacterial.

For the remission characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Regular, but short term pain, most often taking the nature.
  • Disorders of urination (pain,frequent urination, etc).
  • The development of the depression, the breach of the psychoemotional state.

Consensus on the treatment of the chronic phase of prostatitis not. This is why the doctor will focus on symptoms and prescribe drugs that help normalize the patient's condition.

On questions about the treatment responds to the md Borisov Vladimir:

Example of scheme of treatment of chronic prostatitis:

  1. The appointment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. The use of medication, which ensure the flow of blood and lymph to the inflamed area.
  3. The reception of immunomodulators, which contribute to the removal of the swelling, reduces the risk of formation of thrombus, improve the blood circulation.
  4. Sedatives, and antidepressants help to cope with sexual dysfunction.
  5. To improve the blood circulation and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, the patient shows physiotherapy, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, UHF, microwave hyperthermia, etc).

The prevention of prostatitis

To avoid the worsening of the disease, the men facing a diagnosis of prostatitis, must make the prevention. The main prevention measures are the following:

  • The refusal of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse). If giving up alcohol is impossible, it is necessary to limit the amount. Animals do not drink more than 1 glass of quality red wine in the day. If talking about smoking, this bad habit leads to the disruption of traffic due to the weather spazmirovannah of the blood vessels. Therefore, the prostate can suffer, oxygen deprivation, or receiving nutrient needs. In heavy smokers, often, increases the pressure, which can also cause an inflammation of the prostate.
  • You must lead an active life.
  • To exclude the possibility of a stress. For this, you can do self-training, consult with a psychologist. At least, it is important to alternate between work and leisure. Spend a weekend actively with your family or your friends. This is an excellent prevention of depression.
  • Avoid hypothermia, and the time to cure colds.
  • It is important to note that excessive physical activity may be less dangerous than the lack of exercise.

For the general to strengthen the male body, you need to:

  1. Every day do morning exercises. It can be easy to go jogging or simply light exercise. This is especially important rule for those whose job involves sitting all day long in the same position (office work).
  2. Improving the health using the showers. This procedure has an impact both on the whole body and the prostate in particular.
  3. Useful is the visit of bath. But it is important to remember that, after the output of the steam cannot be pour in the cold water.
  4. You need to enrich the diet of vegetables, nuts, seeds, honey, green. However, it is necessary to limit or to refuse, pickled dishes and sauces.
  5. It is important to establish a sex life, avoid having unprotected sex or delay ejaculation.

In order to prevent the development of prostatitis and its complications, every man over the age of 35 should undergo regular medical examination, and upon detection of all of the symptoms of the disease ask for medical help.